Dear Diary,
What a fun day today! Mum and Dad were both lounging around home, although Dad was stuck to his typing machine, so I got lots of snuggles in the morning. And when I wasn't getting snuggles there was bone. I'm not allowed it in the house, but it is so fun to try and sneak it inside when no one is looking and then run outside again when I'm caught. I know I can only get away with it a couple of times in a row or my beautiful bone is taken away. Which sucks and is stupid.
In the afternoon we got to go on a walk and I met the beautiful Poppy.
She was three but still loved playing with me, although she wasn't super happy when I got hold of her awesome fluffy ear!
Then a great thing happened. My lovely friend Aurora showed up with Otto and Kaiser and three big silly blondies. So exciting! Plus there were children to run around with and give me snuggles, how cool!
However Mum said that we were actually there for Serious Business and I had to be extra good and go on my lead because we were meeting my amazing teacher Els who was helping a big dog who had been savaged by a little dog and was now scared of all little dogs and wanted to eat them. Lucky I'm a big dog!
So Mum and I went over and I was a good girl and sat patiently while Floyd the handsome staffie walked past me lots. And then I jumped round lots when I had to and Floyd walked past some more. He was very good and got closer and closer and became less and less interested in me (I know that was the goal, but really how could he?). I got treats and so did he.
Then I got snuggles with Els (yay!) and Floyd's human sisters and then it was play time again!
There was lots of running and rolling and fun, but I'm a little sad that Kaiser isn't in love with me anymore. I tried really hard to get him interested, but to no avail.
Then my friends had to leave, which was sad and I wanted to go with them, but Mum found me new friends to play with. One was called Montigue and he was younger than me by a month. We had the best time! Especially since he has delicious flopping ears for me to grab onto.
I was very tired after all the fun and the hard work helping Floyd. That's the thing about us dachshunds, we love to help and our people are really special. And the specialest one I know at the moment is called Mummy D. She's the human mummy of the amazing little Winny Woo (I call her Winny Sassy Shoes because she has to wear the cutest shoes eva) who lives in the UK and is battling to walk. I love her and me and Mum watch her videos together. If you want to watch an amazing woman and an amazing dog work to walk go check out the Winny Mini page. She is an inspiration and a gorgeous little angel.
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