New ventures and adventures

Dear Diary,

What a crazy time it is! Mum and I are business partners! That's way she's been so slack about being my secretary, but I forgive her because if our new business takes off I'll have lots of new friends to play with all the time. We are starting a dog walking service, it's called Penny Paws Petcare (after you know who) and anyone lucky enough to use it will get to hang out with me. So everyone (based round the Port Hills in Christchurch) should go to our website and ring or email us to arrange for us to visit you! Your dogs will have the best time EVA!

While Mum has been busy organising everything I've still been having great adventures. I've been hanging with my gang and teaching that naughty Frank not to be too rough with me, but he's a bit of a slow learner. Sigh.

He's also crazy about water. Personally I don't see what's so great about it, but each to there own.

Oh, and I officially have a boyfriend, according to Facestalk anyway. He is a Lord, a title befitting a Lady of my breeding and he is rather gorgeous. His name is Louie Lord von Houndlinghausen, I am very much looking forward to our next date!

Mum had to go for a meeting with the lovely Aurora who owns Petcare Services Ltd and is the BEST dog walker in Sumner (and perhaps the world) because she is helping us with our business. I got to play with my sausagey friends Otto and Kaiser (and Barky Harry), but I also met some giants.

I meet Barry the giant cat, who unlike that black cat I live with, loves to play with me.

Unfortunately he lives in something called the pussy palace, but seems more like a fortress. I tried to conquer it, but I just couldn't manage it. Yet.

And I met a giant rabbit called Graeme. I thought he was a delicious treat for me, but then he told me off and I had to run away. He's crazy and scary!

Yesterday I got to go the the Agility Trials. It was very hard work for me because I wasn't allowed to go and talk to every dog I saw and had to be good and be on my lead all the time. To make the most of being on my lead I kindly offered to model one of the Safety Collars leads for my lovely Aunty Els. This time I had a much more appropriate one!

We watched lots of fun running and jumping and lots of people asked me if I wanted to do it, which I do! But I'm not old enough yet, I have to wait till my bones have finished growing and got all tough. I can't wait to fly through the air though.

I did get to met some really lovely dogs though, and I met a tiny puppy who was only 9 weeks old. He had to stay in jail because he hadn't had all his shots which made me sad because we really wanted to play together.

Mum finally let me have a run around the big grounds and I was so excited I decided to be a charging bull and run very seriously. See I can be a serious dog. I'll be great at agility!

Anyway Mum took a bazillion photos of dogs jumping so here are some of them. And don't forget to check out Penny Paws Petcare. I can't wait to play with you!

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