Dear Diary,
Today has been a day of much hunting. My highly honed ninja senses could tell that something was up in our back garden. There was a feeling that badgers were planning some sort of evil plan, probably to steal my delicious bone. I had to check the perimeter multiple times and then check the lawn. Mum wasn't too impressed with my lawn checking as I dug a fairly decent sized test hole to make sure we were secure from underground assault. I gently pointed out that we don't really have lawn, more an exciting adventure play ground of weeds and some dry brown stuff that might have been grass once, but certainly isn't anymore. She took this quite well I thought, and left me to my important work.
It wasn't long after this I heard her call my name. I think she's got some mad ninja nose skills like me because she couldn't even see what I was doing and said she could smell dirt. She was right of course, I was sure that badgers had infiltrated the barrel where Mum used to grow things. There was a terrible accident though and nothing grows there anymore.
Mum agreed that I should investigate carefully to ensure the safety of the family but she did ask that I not fling any more dirt into the house. I of course obliged. She also kindly helped me document correct badger digging technique, I hope you find it informative.
Unfortunately I came away dirty faced and empty pawed but as a consolation Mum took me to the dog park. And there I met some bears! First I played for ages with this gorgeous baby bear. He was only 2 months old so much younger than me. I have to admit he was bigger than me though. When he lay on me I really couldn't do much so Mum took me away. It was very fun playing with the baby bear.
Then I met a big adult bear! Mum said it was actually a type of dog called a Leonberger, but I think it was actually a bear. It was nice and let me give it kisses, but wasn't really interested in playing with me. Secretly I was pleased about this because it was very very big.
After the bears we went for a fun walk in the woods and I sniffed EVERYTHING! I love the woods.
When we came out I met a golden Lab called Fern and an ex-farm dog called Murray and we all ran round together for ages while all the Mums talked and talked. Mums! It was a great play.
Then when we got home Mum and Dad and me all went to our cool neighbors and I chased their cat up a tree. I think that's where I went wrong, because not long after that Dad took me home again. So not fair. The worst thing is I missed out on the epic block tower building that Mum builded.
I sooooo would have loved to knock this over and run away with all the blocks. I know I would have got in trouble but it would have been totally worth it. Guess that's why I had to stay at home. My parents are so boring and uptight!
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